Annales Canonici
Place of publication: Cracow
Ed. by the Papieska Akademia Teologiczna w Krakowie
Medieval Canon Law: Literature
F. Arnold, "Die Rechtslehre des Magister Gratianus",
Studia Gratiana, 1 (1947) 451-82.
Mario Ascheri, "Analecta manoscritta consiliare (1285-1354),"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 15 (1985) 61-94.
I consilia dei giuristi medievali (Sienna 1982).
Ingrid Baumgärtner, "Et faciendi plures libros nullus est finis. Der Sinn von Buchern oder der Bildungshorizont eines spätmittelalterlichen Juristen,"
Universität und Bildung. Festschrift für Laetitia Bohm zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. W. Muller, W. Smolka, H. Zedelmaier (Munich 1991) 55-70.
Idem, ed.
Consilia im späten Mittelalter: Zum historischen Aussagewert einer Quellengattung (Studi/Schriften des Deutschen Studienzentrums in Venedig 13; Sigmaringen 1995).
Manlio Bellomo,
The Common Legal Past of Europe 1000-1800 (Washington 1994).
Robert Benson,
The Bishop-Elect (Princeton 1968).
Idem, "Plenitudo Potestatis: Evolution ... to Gratian",
Studia Gratiana 14 (1967) 195-217.
Martin Bertram, "Angebliche Originale des Dekretalenapparats Innozenz' IV.,"
Proceedings of the VIth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Berkeley... (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C subsidia 7; Vatican City 1976) 41-47.
Idem, "Handschriften der Summe Hostiensis mit der `Quaestio' am Ende,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 16 (1986) 96-97.
Idem, "Handschriften und Drüke des Dekretalenkommentars (sog. Lectura) des Hostiensis,"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 75 (1989) 177-201.
Leonard Boyle, "The Compilatio quinta and the registers of Honorius III,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 8 (1978) 9-19.
Pastoral care, clerical education, and canon law (Variorum 1981).
Robert Brentano,
Two Churches: England and Italy in the Thirteenth Century (Princeton 1968).
Idem, "Localism and Longevity: The example of the Chapter of Rieti in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries",
Law, church, and society: essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner (Philadelphia 1976) 293-310.
James Brundage,
Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader, (Madison 1969).
The Crusades, Holy War, and Canon Law (Variorum [reprinted articles] 1991).
Sex, Law, and Marriage in the Middle Ages (Variorum [reprinted articles] 1990).
Medieval Canon Law (London/New York 1995).
Joseph Canning,
The political thought of Baldus de Ubaldis (Cambridge 1987).
Peter Classen, "Das Decretum Gratiani würde nicht in Ferentino approbiert,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 8 (1978) 38-40.
Vincenzo Colli, "Baldus de Ubaldis (1327-1400) as canonist,"
Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, San Diego ... (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C Subsidia 9; Vatican City 1992).
Charles Duggan,
Twelfth-Century dcretal collections and their importance in English History (London 1963).
Canon law in medieval England (Variorum 1982).
Gerard Fransen, "Les diverses formes de la compilatio prima,"
Scrinium Lovanensis: Melanges historiques Etienne van Cauwenbergh (Univ. of Louvain, Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie 24; Louvain 1961).
Idem, "La tradition manuscrite de la `Compilatio prima',"
Proceedings of the First International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Boston... (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C Subsidia 1; Vatican City 1965) 55-62.
John Gilchrist, "The medieval canon law of unfree persons",
Melanges Fransen I,
Studia Gratiana 19 (1966) 277-301.
The Church and economic activity in the Middle Ages (London 1969)
Idem, ed.
Diversorum patrum sententie sive collectio in lxxiv. titulos digesta (Monumenta Iuris Canonici C-1; Vatical City 1973).
Idem, "The reception of Pope Gregory VII into the Canon law",
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 59 (1973) 35-82.
Franz Gillmann, "Lanfrancus oder Laurentius?"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht 109 (1929) 598-669; 110 (1930) 000-000.
Dieter Girgensohn, "Francesco Zabarella aus Padua,"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 79 (1993) 232-77.
Steven Horwitz, "Magistri and magisterium: Saint Raymond of Penyafort and the Gregoriana,"
Escritos del vedat 7 (1977) 209-38.
Idem, "Reshaping a decretal chapter:
Tua nobis and the canonists,"
Law, church, and society: Essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, ed. K. Pennington and R. Somerville (Philadelphia 1977) 207-21.
Benjamin Kedar, "Canon law and the burning of the Talmud,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 9 (1979) 79-82.
P.J. Kessler, "Untersuchungen uber die Novellen-Gesetzgebung Papst Innocenz IV (I)-(III),"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 31 (1942), 32 (1943), 33 (1944).
Stephan Kuttner,
Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX (Studi e Testi 64; Vatican City 1935). Idem,
Repertorium der Kanonistik, (Studi e Testi 71: Vatican City 1937).
Idem, "Die Konstitutionen des ersten allgemeines Konzils von Lyon," SDHI 6 (1940) 70-131.
Idem, "Bernardus Compostellanus Antiquus,"
Traditio, 1 (1943) 281.
Idem, "Johannes Teutonicus, das vierte Laterankonzil, und die Compilatio quarta,"
Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati (Studi e Testi 125; Vatican City 1946) 608-34.
Idem, "Conciliar law in the Making: The Lyonese constitutions (1274) of Gregory X ...,"
Miscellanea Pio Paschini (Rome 1949) II 39-81.
Idem, "Raymond of Penyafort as editor: The `decretales' and `constitutiones' of Gregory IX,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 12 (1982) 65-80.
Medieval Councils, Decretals, and Collections of Canon Law (Variorum [reprinted articles with "retractiones"] 1980).
Gratian and the Schools of Law 1140-1234 (Variorum [reprinted articles with "retractiones"] 1983).
Studies in the History of Medieval Canon Law (Variorum [reprinted articles with "retractiones"] 1990).
Peter Landau, "Neue Forschungen zu vorgratianischen Kannonessammlungen und den Quellen des Gratianischen Dekrets,"
Ius Commune (1984) 1-29.
Idem, "Gratian (von Bologna),"
Theologische Realenzyklopedie, 14 (1986) 124-130.
Idem, "Quellen und Bedeutung des gratianischen Dekrets," SDHI 52 (1986) 218-35.
Titus Lenherr, "Die Summarien zu den Texten des 2. Laterankonzils von 1139 in Gratians Dekret,"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, 150 (1981) 528-51.
Idem, "Arbeiten mit Gratians Dekret,"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, 151 (1982) 140-66.
Idem, "Fehlende `Paleae' als Zeichen eines uberlieferungsgeschichtlich jungeren Datums von Dekret-Handschriften,"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, 151 (1982) 495-507.
James Muldoon, "The contribution of the medieval canon lawyers to the formation of international law,"
Traditio 28 (1972) 483-97.
Idem, "Missionaries and the marriage of infidels: the case of the mongol mission,"
The Jurist 35 (1975) 125-41.
Popes, lawyers and infidels: the Church and the non-Christian world 1250-1550 (Philadelphia 1979).
Wolfgang Müller,
Hugguccio: The Life, Works, and Thought of a Twelfth- Century Jurist (Washington, D.C. 1995).
John Noonan, "Was Gratian approved at Ferentino?"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 6 (1976) 15-27.
Idem, "Gratian Slept Here: The Changing Identity of the Father of the Systematic Study of Canon Law,"
Traditio 35 (1979) 145-72.
Idem, "The True Paucapalea?,"
Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Salamanca... (Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C Subsidia 6; Vatican City 1980) 257-86.
Peter Pazzaglini and Catharine Hawks,
Consilia: A Bibliography of Holdings in the Library of Congress and certain other Collections in the United States (Washington D.C 1990).
Kenneth Pennington, "The French Recension of Compilatio tertia,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 5 (1975) 53-71.
Pope and Bishops (Philadelphia 1986).
Idem, "A `Quaestio' of Henricus de Segusio and the textual tradition of his `Summa super decretalibus',"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 16 (1986) 91-97.
Idem, "An earlier recension of Hostienis's Lectura on the Decretals,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 17 (1987) 77-90.
Idem, "The Consilia of Baldus de Ubaldis,"
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis - Revue Histoire du Droit, 56 (1988) 85-92.
The Prince and the Law (Berkeley/Los Angeles 1994).
Popes, Canonists, and Texts, 1150-1550 (Variorum [reprinted articles with "Further Thoughts"] 1993).
Alfons Stickler, "Concerning the Political Theories of the Medieval Canonists"
Traditio 7 (1949-51) 450-63.
Idem, "Alanus Anglicus als Verteidiger des monarchischen Papsttums",
Salesianum 21 (1959) 346-406.
Idem, "Il decretista Laurentius Hispanus,"
Studia Gratiana 9 (1966) 461-549.
Jacqueline Tarrant, "The Clementine decrees on the Beguines: conciliar and papal versions," AHP 12 (1974) 300-08.
Idem, "The manuscripts of the Constitutiones Clementinae, part I: Admont to Munchen,"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 70 (1984) 67-133; part II: Napoli to Zwettl,"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 71 (1985) 76-146.
Brian Tierney,
Foundations of the Conciliar Theory (Cambridge 1955).
Idem, "The Continuity of Papal Political Theory in the Thirteenth Century",
Mediaeval Studies 27 (1965) 227-45.
Idem, "Medieval Canon Law and Western Constitutionalism,"
Catholic Historical Review, 52 (1966) 1-17.
Church Law and Constitutional Thought (Variorum 1979).
Elisabeth Vodola,
Excommunication in the Middle Ages (Berkeley/Los Angeles 1986).
Rudolf Weigand,
Die Naturrechtslehre der Legisten und Dekretisten von Irnerius bis Accursius und von Gratian bis Johannes Teutonicus (Münchener Theologische Studien III,
Kanonistische Abteilung, 26; Munich 1967).
Idem, "Paucapalea und die frühe Kanonistik,"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, 150 (1981) 137-57.
Idem, "Burchardauszüge in Dekrethandschriften und ihre Verwendung bei Rufin und als Paleae im Dekret Gratians,"
Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, 158 (1989) 429-451.
Idem, "Frühe Kanonisten und ihre Karriere in der Kirche,"
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung, 76 (1990) 135-36, 152-55.
Norman Zacour,
Jews and Saracens in the Consilia of Oldradus de Ponte (Pontifical Institute Studies and Texts 100: Toronto 1990).
H.Zapp, "Gratian,"
Lexikon des Mittelalters, 4 (1989) 1658.
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