Canon law original text in Latin

Until 1917 a CIC did not exist, but only one with of laws promulgate in various times and answer to various situations. Consequently it was made more and more difficult to give one straight and uniform interpretation of the norm of the church. Pope Pio IX decided to organize and to re-unite in only corpus all the ecclesiastical laws; also for this, indisse Concilio Vatican I. Because of the war between France and Prussia, Napoleone III was forced to withdraw the troops that had placed to defense of the Papal State and this allowed (through the historical Rubble of Devout Door) the Reign of Italy to annex the State of the Church, being made to lose to the Pope the own territorial autonomy. Presentendo this, the year previous to the rubble, the Pope have interrupt the Conciliate and, because of this interruption, the plan of Code be pass in second flat. But he was still to ribalta the problem of the certainty of the right: the last collection of decrees went back them to 1582 and, from then, the legislative actions papal you were ollowed numerous and without organicità. He was for that, in 1915, Pope Pio X decided to replace hand to the plan of the predecessore and made to begin the drawing up of a Canonical Codex Juris; its work was capacity to term from its successor Benedict XV, that promulgò the Codex of 1917. Given the participation of the two Papi, it is known still today like “Code Devout-Benedictine”. 25 January of 1983, under pontificato of Giovanni Paul II, promulgata the reformed version of the CIC: the title it, Codex Iuris Canonical, remains invariato regarding the previous version; the official text is in Latin. The review had been begun from Giovanni XXIII in the 1959, and strongly intentional one from Concilio Vatican II.
.....translated from the Italian